Q. How does Sand Sifters Estimate Project Cost?
A. Simply put, we calculate project cost based on site access, area size, debris amount, and distance if you are located outside the Omaha metro. Our pricing is fair and reasonable. Of course, we strive for excellence – making sure each and every client is completely satisfied.

Q. How Often Should Sand Be Cleaned?
A. We recommend bi-annual sand cleaning, or at the very least once a year. High traffic areas, like a private or public beach, playground or commercial volleyball court, along with stormy weather, may demand more frequent maintenance.

Q. Can the Smart Machine Work in the Rain?
A. No. Not recommended. Ideal conditions are when sand is dry. Sand Sifters’ Matt Royuk typically schedules a time-frame to clean your private/public beach, volleyball court, horse arena or playground. If the forecast is clear, he’ll let you know the day/time of arrival.

Q. How does the Beach Cleaner Machine Work?
A. We use one of the best beach cleaning machines on the market. Operated by our experienced in-house crew member, the smart machine, the ride-on and walk-behind, for limited access spaces, removes debris 4″ under the sand surface. Tiny rocks and concrete pieces, cigarette butts, metal scraps, nails, leaves, tree roots and glass are pulled out, and hauled away.  

Q. Do you have a machine that can enter through tight, fenced in spaces? 
A. Yes. We have added to our fleet a walk-behind sand sifting machine that slips into small spaces. Our crew member operates the machine by hand and foot. Just like our ride-on sand sifter, the walk-behind scoops up debris 4″ below the sand surface.

Q. We Need More Sand. Does Sand Sifters Sell Sand, Deliver and Level?
A. Yes. We help find the right sand for your special surface, haul it in, level and grade the area. Plus, we leave an inviting pattern by running a harrow along the sand.

Q. A Storm Struck Our Beach. Does Sand Sifters Haul Away Big Debris?
A. Yes. Should Mother Nature drag in a mess after high winds or a tornado, Sand Sifters is available to scoop up and haul away bigger debris like branches, leaves and garbage. Ask for a quote. Online form.
Or, call Matt at 402-521-4714

Q. Do you offer fall boat haul out from the water, vessel pressure washing and delivery to storage before Nebraska’s winter arrives?
A. Yes to all of the above.

Q. What is Your Service Area?
A. Sand Sifters primarily serves eastern and central Nebraska. That said, we are flexible, and are available for state-wide sand cleaning services charging a nominal mileage rate.

Hours of Operation
8am – 9 pm